I have 9 old, wrinkly friends, who are retired or semi-retired. Five of them all used to work together and the other four are husbands. They didn't want to lose touch when they retired so they decided to meet and have lunch or dinner when it was their birthdays. However, they got disenchanted with buying a present every time, and decided instead to give a Birthday Bear (thats me.) I get passed from one birthday person to the next each time they meet. The fun part is, that I get to be dressed differently each time, usually to reflect some aspect of the recipient's personality or life.
PS: Two of my wrinklies, Chris and Bob, have gone on a working holiday tour around Australia so they don't celebrate with us very often.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Here I am dressed and ready to go to Paul's Birthday dinner at Kam Koon Restaurant. Yum, I love Chinese food. Now Paul plays bowls every week for Salisbury Bowls Club. So I am dressed in my bowling whites ready to go with him next time.

I have my Salisbury hat (Helen made that for me) and shirt (Diane made that for me) . I have my bag with my bowls inside (Bill made that for me) I also have my rag stuck in my belt for cleaning the bowls. The reason that I can stand up now is that George made me a wire stand that helps me with my posture.

I enjoyed having dinner with the men, Bill, George and Paul.

The ladies too, Karen, Helen and Ann. Mary couldn't make it tonight but I was very happy to meet Karen for the first time. She used to teach at Kuraby School with the other ladies.

Paul was excited to see me and when he gave me a hug my hat fell off.

I think he enjoyed having me for his birthday. I can't wait until he takes me to play bowls.


  1. Gosh I rekkon yu ar the tallest Bear I kno!
    I like yor hat.
    Yu must gets tons ov cayke if yu ar allways at berfdays! Wat's yor fayvrit? I like choklit, or carrot cayke. Or banarna. Hehehe.

  2. Happy Birthday Paul! This has to be one of the most fun idea's for a group of friends I have ever heard of.
