I have 9 old, wrinkly friends, who are retired or semi-retired. Five of them all used to work together and the other four are husbands. They didn't want to lose touch when they retired so they decided to meet and have lunch or dinner when it was their birthdays. However, they got disenchanted with buying a present every time, and decided instead to give a Birthday Bear (thats me.) I get passed from one birthday person to the next each time they meet. The fun part is, that I get to be dressed differently each time, usually to reflect some aspect of the recipient's personality or life.
PS: Two of my wrinklies, Chris and Bob, have gone on a working holiday tour around Australia so they don't celebrate with us very often.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


This month it is Mary's and Diane's birthday. Instead of having lunch or dinner together my wrinkly friends are having a holiday together AND THEY ARE TAKING ME, YIPEE.
On Monday we leave on a mystery road tour into the Queensland countryside.  One of my friends, Ann, has organised the trip but she won't tell us where we are going.They are hiring a Tarago people mover  with plenty of seats for everyone and their luggage. The group has dwindled as Chris and Bob are away in Townsville and Helen and Paul can't come due to Paul having chemo therapy. However I am getting excited about the trip and I have packed already.
"Now have I got everything?" 
"Ann has made me two new outfits  one for Mary's Birthday and one for Diane's"
"I hope Ann has included some long pants and jacket because its gonna be cold out in the country.This fisherman's outfit which I have on is not going to be warm enough."
Look I have my very own photo on the travel label. Everyone has to have one. It says "Birthday Bear's Mystery Walks Tour." Only 1 more sleep to go...wheee.

All photos are from Ann the Tour organiser.


  1. I hope you take lots of pictures of birthday bear on this holiday. Hannah and Sophie will love it. They think he's the funniest thing. Have fun. Michelle

  2. I hope birthday bear has a great time and enjoys himself also hope Mary and Diane have great birthdays.

  3. I don't know which I like best, the bear or the food! Perhaps the best would be the bear eating a plate of food!

  4. What a great idea and an entertaining blog!

  5. I just found this blog! Love it and will return for future visits! BTW, don't have a birthday bear but do have a Puppet Ponyo who likes travelling around and has been to Germany and Macau, among other places! :b
